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Domain Name

6 Crucial Reasons You Should Quickly Renew Your Expired Domain

By August 2, 2023November 30th, 2023No Comments


In the now earth-like, ever-evolving cyberspace, your domain name is more than just a web address; it’s a vital asset contributing to your online identity and brand recognition. However, a domain is owned on a subscription basis. There comes a time when the expiration date of your domain subscription approaches or passes, and renewal becomes necessary., 

Whether your renewal date is approaching or passed, it’s crucial to understand the importance of doing it promptly. Now, let’s consider some compelling reasons renewing your expired domain should be a top priority. However, let’s remind ourselves of what a domain name is.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is your website’s virtual address. It is also commonly known as a URL. For instance, at DaManager, our domain name is

However, a domain name encompasses much more than just a URL. Like we said earlier, it serves as the cornerstone of your online identity, a digital representation of your brand. Crafting a domain name that is both imaginative and unforgettable can significantly enhance your website’s visibility, attracting a greater number of visitors. 

Now on to the first reason you should renew your domain name immediately or subscribe ahead.

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Preserve Your Online Presence

Your domain name serves as the foundation of your online presence, enabling visitors to find and access your website with ease. Failure to renew your domain could result in losing your established online identity, making it significantly harder for your audience to locate you. By promptly renewing your expired domain, you can safeguard your digital estate and ensure uninterrupted accessibility to your website.

Maintain Search Engine Rankings

Search engines like Google consider various factors when determining search rankings, including the age and authority of a domain. When a domain expires, it enters a grace period during which search engines may perceive it as inactive or unreliable. 

We’ll learn more about the grace period later in this post; however, If left unrenewed for an extended period, your domain could lose its search engine rankings which could negatively impact your organic traffic and visibility. Renewing your domain promptly helps to maintain your hard-earned search engine rankings and preserve your online visibility.

Prevent Loss of Website Traffic

Imagine investing time, effort, and resources into building a loyal audience for your website, only to lose them due to an expired domain. When visitors attempt to access your website through an expired domain, they may encounter error pages or, worse, be directed to your competitors. This loss of website traffic can have detrimental effects on your online business or personal brand. By renewing your domain promptly, you can retain your existing audience and continue to attract new visitors to your website.

Protect Your Brand Reputation

Your domain name is an integral part of your brand identity. Remember that your domain name also serves as your email and is probably on official documents. so its expiration can have unintended consequences for your reputation. 

Cyber squatters and opportunistic individuals may seize the opportunity to register your expired domain, potentially using it for malicious purposes or damaging your brand’s image. By renewing your domain quickly, you can prevent others from capitalizing on your brand’s reputation and protect your online integrity.

Avoid Costly Redemption Fees

Once a domain enters the redemption period following expiration, it becomes more challenging and expensive to recover. During this phase, you may need to pay substantial redemption fees, often significantly higher than regular renewal costs, to reclaim your domain. By renewing your domain promptly before it enters the redemption period, you can avoid unnecessary financial burdens and ensure a seamless renewal process.

The recent update in the domain expiration policy of domain registrars allows domain renewal at regular rates within the first 30 days. Within those 30 days, the domain is placed in a client-hold state where it remains non-functional (no website, no email) but redeemable and transferable. An important point to note is that after the first five days of the 30-day grace period, the domain name will be on auction for the rest of the 30 days.

Beyond the 30-day period of grace, the domain will be sold to the highest bidder if there are available bids. But if no bids exist for the domain, it enters the restoration period. During the restoration period, it becomes more expensive to renew it. At this point, a domain that could have cost $10 for renewal would now cost around $75 for restoration.

The restoration period lasts another 30 days or thereabouts, and the domain becomes irredeemable.

Secure Long-Term Business Continuity

Renewing your expired domain is an investment in the long-term success and continuity of your online presence. It demonstrates your commitment to your website, brand, and audience, instilling confidence and trust among your visitors. By proactively renewing your domain, you clearly communicate that you are dedicated to providing a reliable and consistent online experience, helping you build a strong foundation for future growth and success.

Also, remember that an extended subscription removes the tension of impending bills and encourages further business ideas.


Renewing your expired domain should never be taken lightly. The consequences of neglecting this crucial task can be detrimental to your online presence, search rankings, website traffic, and brand reputation. 

By promptly renewing your domain, you preserve your hard-earned digital identity, maintain search engine visibility, and ensure uninterrupted access to your website. Remember, investing in the timely renewal of your domain is an investment in the longevity and prosperity of your online endeavors. Be quick to do this, get help with us at DaManager if you find yourself in a fix.

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